The Intuition Game
The intuition game is a game in which you can build your intuition. The object of
the game is to guess which image is the correct image. And you keep guessing until you get
the right answer (the bot will DM you when you have guessed the right answer).
How to Play
Click on an image to make a guess. And keep guessing until you get it right.
Scoring The scoring varies according to the number of guesses made and the number of possible images in the game. Guessing it on the first try will receive the max score, which is a factor of the number of possible images. Guessing it on the last try will receive a score of zero.
Note: You will only be penalized for a wrong answer once per picture.
How to Play
Click on an image to make a guess. And keep guessing until you get it right.
Scoring The scoring varies according to the number of guesses made and the number of possible images in the game. Guessing it on the first try will receive the max score, which is a factor of the number of possible images. Guessing it on the last try will receive a score of zero.
Note: You will only be penalized for a wrong answer once per picture.
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